Amphibia Sashannarcy Acrylic Charms (Collaboration with @Kayseix)

$12.00 - $30.00

Credit goes to @Kayseix for designing the artwork for these charms! Please consider supporting them on their social media pages!

These flashy glitter acrylic charms will be 3 inches tall ( 76mm ) and feature designs of Marcanne, Sasharcy, and Sashanne. The design is printed on either side of the charm showing off their front and backside. It will be fitted with a golden heart shaped keychain attachment. Each charm will be individually checked and insured to be the highest possible quality.

This item is in stock, meaning it will be shipped out within a week of purchase!

If you have any questions about my products or want to follow preorder updates, you can find me on Instagram and Twitter under @squiidg !! This item is also a collaborative project with the lovely artist @Keyseix on Twitter and Instagram!

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